Archives Tutorials

Tutorials on all aspects of becoming an accomplished musician.

Perfect 5th Playing By Ear – Chord

In this lesson, you will hear a Perfect 5th played as a chord, then play it by ear on your instrument.

Here is an example of a Perfect 5th played as a chord.

Perfect 5ths Playing By Ear – Down

In this lesson, you will hear a Perfect 5th played downward, then play it by ear on your instrument.

Here is an example of a Perfect 5th played down.

Perfect 5th - Down

Perfect 5ths Playing by Ear – Up

In this lesson, you will hear a Perfect 5th, then play it by ear.

It is called Perfect because of its strong, pure sound. Like Perfect 4ths, Perfect 5ths often sound noble and heroic.

Here are some examples of Perfect 5ths.

Perfect Fifths Playing By Name

In the next set of lessons, you will be asked to play Perfect 5ths on your instrument.

The best way to do this is to count up five degrees using the Major Scale, which is spaced Whole, Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Whole, Half.

Perfect Fifths Writing

Perfect Fifths

In the next set of lessons, you will see a perfect fifth lit up on your instrument and you will write it in music notation.

Perfect 4ths Dictation – Chord

In this lesson, you will hear a Perfect 4th played as harmonically as a chord, then write it in music notation.

Here is an example of a Perfect 4th played as a chord.

Perfect 4th - Chord

Perfect 4ths Dictation – Down

In this lesson, you will hear a Perfect 4th played downward, then write it in music notation.

Here are some examples of Perfect 4ths going down.

Perfect 4ths Dictation – Up

In this lesson, you will hear a Perfect 4th played ascending, then write in in music notation.

Again, here are some examples of Perfect 4ths.

Perfect 4ths Playing by Ear – Chord

In this lesson, you will hear a Perfect 4th played as harmonically as a chord, then play it by ear.

Here is an example of a Perfect 4th played as a chord.

Perfect 4th - Chord