Perfect 4ths Playing by Ear – Down
In this lesson, you will hear a Perfect 4th played downward, then play it by ear.
Here are some examples of Perfect 4ths going down.
Here are some examples of Perfect 4ths going down.
Perfect 4ths Playing by Ear
In this lesson, you will hear a Perfect 4th, then play it by ear.
It is called Perfect because of its strong, pure sound. Perfect 4ths often sound noble and heroic.
Here are some examples of Perfect 4ths.
It is called Perfect because of its strong, pure sound. Perfect 4ths often sound noble and heroic.
Here are some examples of Perfect 4ths.
Perfet 4ths Writing By Name
In this lesson, you will be asked to write a perfect 4th in music notation by name.

As we already learned before, it is important to choose a spelling so that the letters form a Perfect 4th.
Perfect 4ths Notation
In this lesson you will see a Perfect 4th lit up on your instrument and you will write it in music notation.

As with all intervals, there may be more than one way to spell it, but only one way is correct.
Perfect 4ths Playing by Name
In this lesson you will be asked to play a perfect 4th on your instrument by name.
As we learned in the previous lesson, counting up four degrees from almost any note in the scale yields a perfect 4th.
This is true in any key, not just the key of C.
As we learned in the previous lesson, counting up four degrees from almost any note in the scale yields a perfect 4th.
This is true in any key, not just the key of C.
Seconds and Thirds Overview
In the next set of lessons you will combine your knowledge of Seconds and Thirds.
Thirds Dictation Chord
In this lesson, you will identify whether the interval played is a harmonic Major or Minor 3rd and write it in music notation.
Thirds Dictation Down
In this lesson, you will identify whether the interval played is a descending Major or Minor 3rd and write it in music notation.
Thirds Dictation Up
In this lesson, you will identify whether the interval played is an ascending Major or Minor 3rd and write it in music notation.