Archives Tutorials

Tutorials on all aspects of becoming an accomplished musician.

Thirds Playing by Ear Down

In this lesson, you will identify whether the interval played is a descending Major or Minor 3rd and play it on your instrument.

Thirds Playing By Ear Up

In this lesson, you will identify whether the interval played is a Major or Minor 3rd and play it on your instrument.

Thirds Ear Training Down

Now we will practice listening to thirds descending and determining if they are Major or Minor.

Thirds Ear Training Chord

Now we will practice listening to thirds played harmonically (as a chord) and determining if they are Major or Minor.

Audio Lesson Template

Now we will learn to play Minor 3rds by ear on your instrument.

By itself, a minor 3rd typically has a somewhat sad sound.

Thirds Ear Training Up

Now we will practice listening to thirds and determining if they are Major or Minor.

Thirds Overview


In the next group of lessons, we will learn to distinguish between Major and Minor 3rds.

Remember, a Major 3rd follows the first three notes in the Major Scale and is equal to 2 Whole Steps.

A Minor 3rd is a half step smaller than a Major 3rd and is equal to a Whole Step + a Half Step.