Scales Advanced Piano
This tutorial will explain more advanced concepts about Scales.
In the previous tutorial, we learned that a Major Scale is made of a pattern of Whole Steps and Half Steps in this order:
In the previous tutorial, we learned that a Major Scale is made of a pattern of Whole Steps and Half Steps in this order:
Scales Part 1
The names of the intervals, such as Major 2nd, Minor 2nd, etc., come from Scales.
A scale is a series of closely spaced notes in ascending or descending order.
The most common scale is called the C Major Scale.
A scale is a series of closely spaced notes in ascending or descending order.
The most common scale is called the C Major Scale.
Major 2nds Dictation
In the next few lessons you will practice hearing Major 2nds played up, down, and as chords.
You will then write them in music notation.
You will then write them in music notation.
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Major 2nds Playing By Ear Chord
In this lesson, you will practice hearing a Major 2nd played as a chord and then playing it on your instrument.
A Major 2nd played as a chord sounds like this:
A Major 2nd played as a chord sounds like this:
Major 2nd - Chord |
Major 2nds Playing By Ear Down
In this lesson, you will practice hearing a Major 2nd going down and playing it on your instrument.
A Major 2nd descending (down) sounds like this:
A Major 2nd descending (down) sounds like this:
Major 2nds Playing By Ear
In this lesson, you will practice hearing a Major 2nd and playing it on your instrument.
A Major 2nd ascending (up) sounds like this:
A Major 2nd ascending (up) sounds like this:
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More on Intervals
Now we will learn about intervals in more depth.
Intervals have a degree, or number, and also a quality, usually Major or Minor.
For example, a Minor 2nd has a quality of Minor and a degree of 2.
Intervals have a degree, or number, and also a quality, usually Major or Minor.
For example, a Minor 2nd has a quality of Minor and a degree of 2.
Writing Major 2nds
Now you will see a Major 2nd lit up on your instrument and you will write in in music notation.
When deciding to whether to write something as sharps or flats, consider the degree, or number, of the interval.
When deciding to whether to write something as sharps or flats, consider the degree, or number, of the interval.
When writing a Major 2nd, the degree should be a 2nd.
Piano Major 2nds
The next interval we will learn is called a Major 2nd.
A Major 2nd is equal to two half steps.
Remember, a half step is the same size as a Minor 2nd, or a Semitone.

A Major 2nd is equal to two half steps.
Remember, a half step is the same size as a Minor 2nd, or a Semitone.

Depending on which key you start on, the resulting notes may be white or black.