Archives Tutorials

Tutorials on all aspects of becoming an accomplished musician.

Guitar Naming E Note

Now we will do the same lesson in reverse.

The note will be highlighted on the guitar, and you will identify it by name.

Please press the Exercise button below.

Guitar Writing Music E

Now we will do the same thing in reverse.

The E note that we learned will be shown on the guitar:

And you will then write it on the staff

Guitar Reading Music E

Now we will actually read and play a simple piece of music.

The E note that we learned will be presented to you on the staff, and you will play it on the guitar.

Please press the Exercise button below.

Music Notation E Note

This lesson will cover the basics of music notation.

Music notation looks something like this:

Guitar Treble Clef E

In music notation, E sits on the top space of the staff, like this:

Guitar E Note

The first note we will learn to play on the guitar is called E.

We play it by striking the first string open, which means without pressing the frets.

The first string is the thinnest and highest sounding string.

Bass Clef Spaces

Now we will learn to read spaces on the bass clef.

To learn the spaces, just name the line that the note rests upon, then go up one letter in the alphabet.

For example:

Here is another example:

Bass Clef Lines

Now we will learn how to read the notes on the bass clef.

The first note we memorize is middle C.

This note is easy to recognize because it sits on top of the staff and has a black line poking through it like a toothpick called a "ledger line".

Reading Accidentals Treble Clef

Now we will learn how to read accidentals on the treble clef.

The note below can be called either C# or Db.

In music notation, there are two different ways to write it:

Piano Black Keys

Now we will learn the names of the black keys on the piano.

Each black key has two different names based on the white keys it is next to.

A black key can be thought of a white key that has been raised or lowered.