
Archives Tutorials

Tutorials on all aspects of becoming an accomplished musician.

Single Lesson Wizard

Choose Your Lesson Type

DAVE; echo <<

Lesson Type



DAVE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STAGE 2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if($stage == 2){ $level = $_GET['level']; $instrument = $_GET['instrument']; $category = $_GET['category']; $direction = $_GET['direction']; $path = $_GET['path']; $mode = ""; $selected_modes = array(); $all_modes = array( "notation_instrument" => "Reading Music", "instrument_notation" => "Writing Music With Instrument", "instrument_theory" => "Naming Chords and Scales on Your Instrument", "theory_instrument" => "Playing Chords and Scales on Your Instrument", "notation_theory" => "Naming Written Chords and Scales", "theory_notation" => "Writing Chords and Scales", "sound_theory" => "Identifying Chords and Scales by Ear", "sound_instrument" => "Playing by Ear", "sound_notation" => "Writing Music by Ear" ); //Determine which modes will be enabled for this lesson. foreach($all_modes as $key => $mode_description){ if(strstr($key, $category)){ $selected_modes[$key] = $mode_description; } } echo <<Choose Your Lesson

"; echo ""; echo ''; echo '

Note Pattern
"; echo "

"; echo ''; } //End Stage 2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STAGE 3 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if($stage == 3){ $level = $_GET['level']; $direction = $_GET["direction"]; $file = $_GET['chord_table']; $path = $_GET['path']; $instrument = strtolower($_GET['instrument']); $lesson_type = $_GET['mode']; $chords = $_GET['chords']; $mode = explode('_', $lesson_type); $return_path = $_GET['return_path']; $lesson_name = $_GET['lesson_name']; $special=$_GET['special']; global $user; $user_id = $user->uid ; $q = $mode[0]; $a = $mode[1]; if(!$path){ //If path blank, leave it so. } else { //Now add subfolder to existing path $path = $path . $level . '/'; } $jar_path = "http://www.ultramusician.com/files/EarTrainer/" . $dev . "/jars/"; $archive_string = $jar_path . $applet_name . ',' . "http://ultramusician.com/files/EarTrainer/sounds/" . $instrument . '.jar'; echo <<
Having trouble? Click HERE
DAVE; } //End stage

Lessons Beta

uid; $instrument = $user->profile_instrument ? $user->profile_instrument : "piano"; $icon_file = piano.png; $inst_text = "Piano"; $reading_music_page = 'reading_music_' . strtolower($instrument) . $dev; echo '

Your Instrument

'; if(strcasecmp($instrument, 'piano') == 0){ $icon_file = 'piano.png'; $inst_text = "Piano"; } else if(strcasecmp($instrument, 'guitar') == 0){ $icon_file = 'red_guitar.png'; $inst_text = 'Guitar'; } else if(strcasecmp($instrument, 'bass') == 0){ $icon_file = 'blue_bass_2.png'; $inst_text = 'Bass'; } echo '' . '

' . $inst_text . '

'; echo <<< DAVE

Choose Your Lesson

Music Matrix

Reading Music on Guitar

Choose Your Position

Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Position 4
Position 5
Image Map
DAVE; ?>

Reading Bass Clef – Lower Ledger Lines

Reading the Bass Clef - Lower Ledger Lines

This tutorial will show you how to read the lower ledger lines on the BASS Clef.

From bottom to top, the spaces on the bass clef read A C E G.

The phrase we will use to remember this is All Cows Eat Grass.

Reading Bass Clef – Upper Ledger Lines

Reading the Bass Clef - Upper Ledger Lines

This tutorial will show you how to read the upper ledger lines on the BASS Clef.

From bottom to top, the spaces on the bass clef read A C E G.

The phrase we will use to remember this is All Cows Eat Grass.

Treble Clef – Lower Ledger Lines

Reading the Treble Clef - Lower Ledger Lines

This tutorial will show you how to read the lower ledger lines on the Treble Clef.

You may know already that the spaces on the treble clef spell the word "FACE".

Reading the Treble Clef – Upper Ledger Lines

Reading the Treble Clef - Upper Ledger Lines

This tutorial will show you how to read the upper ledger lines on the Treble Clef.

You may know already that the spaces on the treble clef spell the word "FACE".

scratch tutorial

profile_instrument ? $user->profile_instrument : "piano"; echo "inst = $instrument";