Archives Tutorials

Tutorials on all aspects of becoming an accomplished musician.

Guitar Major Arpeggios

Major Arpeggios

This tutorial will discuss Major Arpeggios.

An arpeggio is a chord who's notes are played one at a time.

A Major Arpeggio is an arpeggio based on a Major Triad.

Guitar Minor Arpeggios

Minor Arpeggios on Guitar

An arpeggio is a chord who's notes are played on at a time.

A Minor Arpeggio is a Minor Triad who's notes are played one at a time.

Arpeggios Overview

Arpeggios Overview

This lessons will cover what arpeggios are and why they are useful.

We have learned that a chord is made of several notes played at the same time.

The most common chords are called Triads because they contain three different notes.

Bass Position 5 Overview

Bass Position 5 Overview

This short lesson will show you the notes on the the bass in Fifth Position.

Bass Position 4 Overview

Bass Position 4 Overview

This short lesson will show you the notes on the the bass in Fourth Position.

Bass Position 3 Overview

Bass Position 3 Overview

This short lesson will show you the notes on the the bass in Third Position.

Bass Position 2 Overview

Bass Position 2 Overview

This short lesson will show you the notes on the the bass in Second Position.

Bass Position 1 Overview

Bass Position 1 Overview

This short lesson will show you the notes on the the bass in First Position.