Archives Tutorials

Tutorials on all aspects of becoming an accomplished musician.

6ths – Dictation Down

In this lesson we will hear examples of Major and Minor 6ths played downwards and try to write them in music notation.

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6ths – Dictation Up

In this lesson we will hear examples of Major and Minor 6ths played upwards and try to write them in music notation.

Hear are some examples:

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6ths – Playing by Ear Chord

In this lesson we will hear examples of Major and Minor 6ths played as chords and try to play them on your instrument.

Hear are some examples:

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6ths – Playing by Ear Down

In this lesson we will hear examples of Major and Minor 6ths played downwards and try to play them on your instrument.

Hear are some examples:

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6ths – Dictation Down

In this lesson we will hear examples of Major and Minor 6ths played downward and try to name them.

Hear are some examples:

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6ths – Ear Training Up

In this lesson we will hear examples of Major and Minor 6ths and try to name them.

Hear are some examples:

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Claire’s Lesson

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6ths – Reading Music

In the next set of lessons we will review what we have learned about Major and Minor 6ths.

IntervalNumber of Half StepsCommentsExample
Minor 6th8Perfect 5th + Half StepC Ab
Major 6th9Perfect 5th + Whole StepC A
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