Archives Tutorials

Tutorials on all aspects of becoming an accomplished musician.

Major 6ths – Playing by Name

In this lesson, you will be asked to play Major 6ths on your instrument.

Because a Major 6th is a large interval, it is helpful to think of it in relation to a Perfect 5th.

Going up a Perfect 5th + a Whole Step will yield a Major 6th.

Major 6ths – Writing by Name

In this lesson, you will be asked to write Major 6ths by name using music notation.

Because a Major 6th is a large interval, it is helpful to think of it in relation to a nearby reference point.

The reference point we will use is a Perfect 5th.

Major 6ths – Writing

In this lesson, you will see a Major 6th lit up on your instrument and then write it in music notation.

A Major 6th is equivalent to a Perfect 5th + a Whole Step.

When choosing between sharps and flats, select a spelling that is six degrees from the lowest to highest note.

Major 6ths – Reading

The next interval we will learn is called a Major 6th.

A Major 6th is the interval found between the first and 6th degrees in the major scale.

A Major 6th is also equal to 8 half steps, or a Perfect 5th + a Whole Step.

Generic Playing by Ear

$value){ //For debugging purposes // echo "$key => $value
"; //} $instrument = $values['instrument']; $level = $values['level']; $mode = $values['mode']; $lesson_name = str_replace("+", " ", $values['lesson_name']); ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Direction stuff ///////////////////////////////////////////// $direction = $values['direction']; $direction_text = $direction; if(strcasecmp($direction, 'up') == 0) $direction_text = 'upwards'; if(strcasecmp($direction, 'down') == 0) $direction_text = 'downwards'; if(strcasecmp($direction, 'chord') == 0) $direction_text = 'as chords'; $instructions = ""; if(strcmp($mode, 'sound_instrument') == 0) $instructions = "play them on your instrument."; if(strcmp($mode, 'sound_theory') == 0) $instructions = 'name them.'; if(strcmp($mode, 'sound_notation') == 0) $instructions = 'write them using music notation.'; echo "In this lesson, you will hear $lesson_name played $direction_text, then $instructions"; echo "

Here are some examples:

"; require_once('files/EarTrainer/live/php/gui_tools.php'); echo getEarExamples($lesson_name, $direction); ?>
Please press the Exercise button below.


In the next set of lessons, you will be asked to write Minor 6ths in music notation.

Because a Minor 6th is a large interval, it can be helpful to anchor off of a nearby interval that is familiar.


In the next set of lessons, you will be asked to play Minor 6ths on your instrument.

Because a Minor 6th is a large interval, it can be hard to visualize.

It is recommended that you first locate a perfect 5th, then go up a half step.


In this lesson you will see a Minor 6th lit up on your instrument, then write it in music notation.

Remember, when choosing between sharps and flats, the degree between the first and last note must be a sixth.

In this example, C to Ab is correct because C to A is six letters or degrees.

4ths 5ths Octaves – Ear Training Chord

In this lesson, you will hear a 4th, 5th, or Octave played as a chord (diad) and then try to name it.

Here is one example of each.

Please press the Exercise button below.

4ths 5ths Octaves – Ear Training Down

In this lesson, you will hear a 4th, 5th, or Octave played descending (down) and then try to name it.

Here is one example of each.

Please press the Exercise button below.