Perfect Fifths
Perfect Fifths
In this lesson, you will hear perfect 5ths played upward, then write them in music notation.
Again, here are some examples of ascending perfect 5ths.
Perfect 5th – Up | |
Twinkle Twinkle |
As we learned before both notes will usually have the same accidental.

That is both will be sharp, both will be flat, or both will be natural.

The one exception is from B to F because this is a diminished 5th.

That means if the lower note is B, the upper note will be F#.
Or, if the lower note is Bb, the upper note will be F.

Fifths are very easy to write in music notation.

If the lower note is on a space, the upper note will always be two spaces above.
If the lower note is on a line, the upper note will always be two lines above.

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